
Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR)

The Entertainment Identifier Registry Association (EIDR) is a not-for-profit industry association that was founded by MovieLabs, CableLabs, Comcast and TiVo to create universal identifiers (EIDRs) for audio visual objects (Features, TV shows, TV series, seasons and episodes; Short films; Promotional material (ads, trailers); Interactive material). Registrants are approved industry companies paying $6,000 to $60,000 to get EIDRs IDs, a [[Decentralized Identifiers]], which looks like:

EIDR for an object consists of a standard registry pre-fix, the unique suffix for each asset and a check digit.

EIDR is operated on a non-profit cost-recovery basis. Members are allowed to maintain full copies of the Registry as needed. A Technical Advisory Board consisting of representatives from Ascent, Deluxe, Disney, Netflix, Warner Bros, Rovi and MovieLabs guides the organization on matters relating to development, roadmap, etc.

EIDR is purely functional without any implication of ownership, making it persistent enough to remain the same despite any change in control or ownership of the underlying asset.


"EIDR is founded on the principle of open participation and welcomes all ecosystem players (commercial and non-profit) to join the Registry as registrant, lookup user or even a promoter. The Registry is intended to provide a foundational namespace for A/V objects that can be leveraged by participant in the eco-system to further their own business needs and offerings."

Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR)